…Отшельник, заходивший в город лишь раз в году, прошел вперед и молвил: «Об Удовольствии поведай нам».
И отвечал он, говоря:
«Удовольствие есть песнь свободы, но не сама свобода.
Оно – цветение желаний ваших, но не плод их.
Оно есть бездна, что взывает к высоте,
Но не глубина, не высота.
Птица в клетке, что для полета расправляет крылья,
Но не пространство покоренное.
Да, удовольствие поистине есть песнь свободы.
Мне в радость было бы, чтоб пели вы ее от полноты сердечной, но не хотел бы, чтобы сердце вы в этом пенье потеряли…”
«Пророк», Халиль Джибран
…Then a hermit, who visited the city only once a year, came forth and said: Speak to us of Pleasure.
And he answered, saying:
“Pleasure is a freedom-song, but it is not freedom.
It is the blossoming of your desires, but it is not their fruit.
It is a depth calling unto a height,
But it is not the deep, nor the high.
It is the caged taking wing,
But its not space encompassed.
Ay, in very truth, pleasure is a freedom-song.
And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart; yet I would not have you lose your hearts in the singing…”
“The Prophet”, Khalil Gibran
1 comment:
To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N’ give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
That she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That it’s gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
Til ya know how she needs to be touched
You’ve gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N’ when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman
You tell her that she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That you’ll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
Really really ever loved a woman?
You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin’ good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...
Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
That she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That it’s gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman?
[man invove with you..]
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